We are a
gospel-centered community.

Adding two sections to the top of the page so the order will be:

LIVESTREAM | Who We Are | What We Do | I’m New | About Us | Teachings | Childcare & Preschool | Contact

The two new sections are Who we are and What we do. each will look just like the other menu items at the top of the page and will have the pull down menus with the following pages in the drop down. Note some items are new and some are moved. Each link will take you to the new/moved page. You will need to hit backspace to come back to this page.

Who we are (already added)

Marks of Discipleship (new)

What are our core ministry values? (new)

Beliefs (moved)

Distinctives (moved)

Leadership (will be moved)

Staff (will be moved)

What we do

Childcare & Preschool (Moved)

Ministries (new)

Events (new)

Missionaries (moved)

Awana (moved)

I also recommend changing the “Giving” button to just a link to Church Center (Note: Square space, our web builder/provider, only allows one button on the top line.) and moving the Child Care Preschool link up to the top line between teachings and contact.


“The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Romans 1:16